MOD (modified), or small-sided soccer, is the next step in player development after Micro. In accordance with best practices and US Youth Soccer recommendations, U8 through U12 players play matches under modified rules. The rules vary by age, gradually reaching the same rules used at the highest levels all over the world. MOD soccer continues with small rosters and small-sided games that maximize the opportunities for players to have touches on the ball and improve their skills and confidence.
Please refer to our Age chart for age level based on birth year.
For questions about the rec program and/or registration, please contact Jenny at Jenny@Issaquahfc.org
Rosters are released to coaches in late July/early August. No changes will be made to rosters other than the addition of late registrants if space is available. Teams are re-formed at U8 (Micro-soccer team rosters will not be taken into account) based on neighborhood school boundaries whenever possible.
U8 plays 4 v 4 with a maximum team size of 8 players.
U9 plays 5 v 5 with a maximum team size of 9 players.
U10 plays 7 v 7 with a maximum team size of 12 players.
U11 plays 9 v 9 with a maximum team size of 14 players.
U12 plays 9 v 9 with a maximum team size of 14 players.
Please refer to our Age chart for age level based on birth year.
Mod soccer is for U8 through U12 players, typically 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades.
U8 through U12 teams typically practice twice a week (Monday & Wednesday) starting in August.
Games start Saturday, September 6th.
For U8, U9 and U10's, the season will end the 1st weekend in November. The U11 and U12 season will end mid November.
9 total games played for U8-U10
10 total games played for U11 & U12
Every team will have a volunteer coach. Coaches do not have to have past soccer experience! Coaches need to have enthusiasm and a willingness to be at practice each session.
The teams typically practice at Tibbets Valley Park, Challenger Elementary, Beaver Lake MS baseball out field and Veteran's Memorial Field (subject to field availability).
Away games can be played in Mercer Island, Newport, Bellevue, and Snoqualmie Valley (U11). Home games will be played on a field within the Issaquah boundaries:
U8 and U9 Games: TBD
U10 Games: TBD
U11 Games: TBD
U12 Games: TBD
As part of their registration, Mod players will receive an official Issaquah FC uniform kit including jersey, shorts and socks. Parents are responsible for the following additional equipment:
Shin guards. All players MUST have shin guards to play in any practices or games.
Shoes. Cleats are preferable because they grip the wet grass and are good for lateral movement.